3D Printed Baby Groot

My youngest wanted a Baby Groot, so I had a look on Thingiverse and found a model by Byambaa, the link to it is here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2014307 

This was the largest item I have single printed so far and also the longest print time. It is approx 15.5cm tall. I ran it through Ultimaker Cura 4.3 a couple of times and tweaked the support structure settings to try and minimise them. In the end the Support settings were: Touching Buildplate, Overhang Angle 60 and density 5%. For the main print settings the layer height was 0.2 and the infill was set to 20%.

Cura estimated a build time of 13 hours 28 minutes, using 42.54m of filament for an estimated cost of €1.90 (at €15/kg)

Left it printing overnight on my AnyCubic i3 Mega S and was happy to see in the morning that it was still going fine with no issues noticed. It was just finishing off the tips of the fingers on the waving hand and looked like they were coming out okay.

When it finally finished, in 12 hours 16 minutes. I let the bed cool down and then broke off the print. The support structures came away really easily, particularly the one under the chin, some of the ones on the waving arm were already detached and just fell away.

Really pleased how well it came out.


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